Website Stats for The First Year
How time flies! It has been just over a year since the launching of this webpage. Can you believe that the website has had visitors from 62 countries and 12,413 views? This site is my most popular and continues to average at least 500 visitors per month. Checkout the snapshot graphic below for more information.
There are ma
ny people interested in beer and brewery history. With the name “Sebewaing” used in an eBay or Google search, results are quick and specific to this small town.
Though I am a Spring and Summer person, I have been looking froward to Fall for the time to expand this website. Some of this planned work is adding more items that are part of the family collection, researching and writing more articles, and adding some additional content areas. Until then, please come back often to see what has been added. Like the snapshot picture to the left, look for the box labeled “Additions & Changes” on the front page for the latest updates.
Website Stats for The First Year — No Comments
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