Organizations Promoting Beer Consumption
The United States Brewers Foundation and the Michigan Beer Association were promoters of American breweries. These organizations worked with newspapers and media companies to promote the consumption of beer in Michigan and throughout the United States.
The United States Brewers’ Foundation was a trade organization that existed from 1862 to 1986. It promoted an educational video with the help of the Jam Handy Organization owned by Henry Jamison “Jam” Handy
. This video is like those educational videos that were watched in elementary schools in the 1950’s through the 1970’s to explain various topics of interest. This video was created in the early 1950’s.
The Michigan Beer Association, now called the Michigan Brewers Guild often put ads in local papers promoting beer from Michigan breweries. The breweries that were members were named at the bottom of these ads like in this example from the Sebewaing Blade on the left. About every month, a new ad would appear in the Sebewaing Blade with a touching or scenic drawing that reminded consumers of traditional family values or the scenic and hunting potential in the State of Michigan.