The Huron County Brewing Company
A common publication (click here) found in a Google search of brewery names for what is commonly referred to as the Sebewaing Brewing Company has the Huron County Brewing Company as the name from 1905-1919. This is incorrect since a newspaper article from the Sebewaing Blade published on July 18, 1903 has the following story:
“The Huron County Brewing Co. have erected a 60 barrel vat in their plant this week.”
On March 4, 1904, the same paper reported:
“Fred Kroll was a t Bad Axe and other points in the county, in the interest of the Huron County Brewing Co., and reports business is very good.”
On June 18, 1904, the same paper reported:
“F Kroll was in town, Tuesday, in the interest of the Huron County Brewing Co.”
This name seemed to end when prohibition started. It appears that the name was retired Tuesday, April 30, 1918. This was the last day the brewery could be open before prohibition started.
The advertisement to the right appeared in the Sebewaing Blade on March 28, 1918.
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