Sebewaing Beer Truck
Mark W. Rummel posted this photo on April 14, 2014 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. He said:
“Today’s “Photo from CBWing’s Past” has been stolen from Scott Thede’s wonderful Sebewaing Brewing Company website. It’s a close-up of the 1957-era truck that was so familiar back then, delivering Sebewaing Beer to A & P Stores all over Michigan, plus to local dealers, too.
Here’s where we stole that photo. There are many more for you to enjoy, plus a great Bolzman Family memory page with photos. Enjoy your Easter Week, folks……/ ”
Here are the comments from the post:
Scott M. Thede Thank you Mark! Great pictures from Doug Bolzman.
Sharon J Giroux love it
Julie Wenzel Beuschel Maybe this has been mentioned before, but there is a Sebewaing Beer truck door displayed in “Shooters” restaurant in Pigeon.
Mark W Rummel @Julie, yes there is. It’s a dandy. And to bring that full circle — before it was “Shooters,” that was the newspaper office for “The Progress-Advance” which wife Sally and I ran from 1978 until it was merged with Sebewaing’s “Blade-Crescent” into “The Newsweekly” in 1992 and later. (I know that building very well… ) Newspapers DID have funny names, didn’t they?
Brian K. Schwartz I wonder if my Grandfather, Frank, drove that truck a time or two when he used to work there.
Mark W Rummel Brian, I’m sure he did. I remember your Grandpa very well. Everybody at the Brewery pitched in and did whatever needed to be done.
Thank you to Mark W. Rummel for this post and all of those who took the time to comment in Facebook.
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