Photo of the Sebewaing Brewing Company
Mark W. Rummel posted this photo on August 22, 2014 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. He said:
“We’ve shared this great photo before, and it’s featured on Scott Thede’s wonderful Sebewaing Brewing Company website, but here is a familiar shot of the Brewery on an average day in the early 1960s. (I can still smell some of the aromas that came out of that building…)”
Here are the comments from the post:
Scott M. Thede It was about a year ago I contacted Mark to ask for his advice on building such a site. Mark has been a great supported and resource to draw upon. Thank you Mark so much for your help. As the new school year starts up here at Ferris, it is a time that I can put towards research and adding more content to the site. I am looking forward to it.
Scott M. Thede I think this photo is from the fall of 1978 or the spring of 1979. This was when the deed was turned over to Sebewaing and they boarded up the lower windows and doors and were preparing for demolition. The broken windows and the fallen middle window pane above the word Sebewaing have been time markers for me in various photos. That horizontal piece of wood was slowly falling through the late 70’s and finally fell to the diagonal position just before the demo. I think the older car model shown in the drive is a coincidence. The village eventually put fencing around it shortly before the demo and there are pictures of that in the spring of 1979.
Mark W Rummel Makes perfect sense, Scott. I figured it based on the age of the vehicle. Thanks for the nice words — folks, DON’T MISS SEBEWAINGBREWINGCOMPANY.COM — it’s a truly GREAT page!
Joshua Seibel Thats my house off to the side of the picture, too bad the brewery is gone.
Scott M. Thede Joshua, the left or right side? I grew up in the home on the right.
Joshua Seibel The right
Mark W Rummel The house on the left was where Frank and Birdie Kaatz lived for many years, and both houses are still standing, I believe.
Brian Haag josh you alone could have supported that
Bob Fournier I see the little office to the left is already boarded up. Those were the days. Every once in a while someone would come up with a in pronto party at night. We would go to the side door and get the night watch and see if we could pick up a 1/4 barrel. Otto Menzel was our favorite. He would look at you and grumble what you want it this time of night? We would explain it would be worth a couple bucks extra if we could get one. He would finally get the cart and come back with a barrel. Then with a twinkle in his eye , say , don’t you boys get in trouble.
Angie Noah Bob Fournier, I posted on this page last night about a project that I’m doing for my masters thesis… I’m collecting stories about the brewery… and I love the story you just shared here. I’m wondering if you would meet with me to share it for the project? Please read my post and let me know! Thank you.
Thank you to Mark W. Rummel for this post and all of those who took the time to comment in Facebook.
Photo of the Sebewaing Brewing Company — No Comments
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