Mark W. Rummel posted this photo on January 14, 2012 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. Here is a bottle cap from the “Old Style” beer label, which was the main Sebewaing brand from 1934 until “Pheasant” came along in the 1950s. Notice the slogan “No Lyin’ – It’s Good” which has an interesting story and can be read in this post.
Great comments follow that mention my grandfather Otto H. Thede:
I heard that Otto Thede went north with the last lion draped on his fender and went into a bar and said that he shot it and that they always were in pairs so the people in the area should be prepared.
Oh, wow, what a wonderful story! Otto T. wouldn’t tell me anything about the brewery (I wanted to write a term paper about it in college, probably 1970) but he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. LOVE the lion on the fender story!
Good question about aluminum cans, John. I don’t know for sure. I remember Sebewaing Beer was trying to keep up with other brewers and added what they called a “Zip and Sip” can pull-tab top just before closing. Does anyone know if they ever used aluminum (doubt it)??
I think the lions were in a cage behind Anna Gall’s home. John Gall would know.
For a time, the lions were fenced in an area where McDonald’s is now located. As I recall, there was no fence over the top and they used to sit on top of their “houses”. We had to walk by on our way to school (Immanuel)
My grandpa, Frank Taschner, acquired one of the lions. Not sure of the story but it’s still in his attic. It’s in very rough condition, not sure what’s gonna become of it but sad to think about losing a piece of history.
Thank you to Mark W. Rummel for posting the photo and all of those who took the time to comment in Facebook.