Scott M. Thede posted this photo on October 20, 2013 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. He said “Here is a photo of the Brewers’ Best campaign for the Sebewaing Brewing Company from about 1947. This was a float in the Sugar Festival parade I believe. If you have any photos of the inside or outside of the brewery, please send them my way at I have a website for the Sebewaing Brewery at There are lots more items on the site. If your photo is put on the website, I will make sure you get the credit. Please check it out!”
Here are the comments from the post:
I posted a picture of the outside of the brewery on this site on October 6, 2011.
I will look for it on that date. Thank you so much Janet!
Found it, thank you. Is it ok to put it up on the website with a credit to you?
No problem!
You might want to go through the photos here. There are quite a few photos related to the brewery. Photos of postcards, photos of the brewery, photos of items related to the brewery have been posted here.
I will do just that. Thank you Connie.
Great photo, Scott, which I’ve never seen before. Also a good view of Eisengruber’s Restaurant (which I hadn’t seen before either.) I believe that’s a 1947 Chevy coupe, so your dating sounds right.
I don’t think this is Sebewaing.
I can see barber pole for Sharpsteens Barber shop, so maybe it is.
Sugar Festival started at later date but years ago we had a Dairy Day and another -senior moment – can’t remember. Oh yeah, we had home comings and 4th of July celebrations.
*Dan – it is Sebewaing – you’re right bout the barber pole
Scott I have one with my grandma who worked at the brewery I can put on here
Yes please and thank you. I know of two women though I am sure there were more that worked there. I’d love to see it. Thank you!
Ruth Eisengruber she was a secretary
Now I know of three!
Love this pic. Our old paint store isn’t even there yet! (Riverside paint, Schnepp’s, now Bills dentistry)

Florence Thede and Francis Barnes are the other two.
Sorry bad picture was copying it from phone
No problem I can patch them together. What is the date?
I believe she worked there between the 50s to 1960 ???
I believe she worked until it
Closed ??
So maybe late fifties to the mid sixties
OK, thank you. What is the date of the newspaper obituary?
I’ll get back to you on this I think it’s September 20 or 21 of 1983.
Ok thank you.
Thanks to all of those who took the time to comment in Facebook.