Front of Sebewaing Brewery Mid 1950’s
Mark W. Rummel posted this photo on April 3, 2012 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. He said “While we’re talking about the brewery, here’s another picture of it from while it was open… maybe taken in 1955 (based on the car?) Any better guesses? Up front here at the left is the little office building, which I believe is still standing, but mostly covered by trees.”
Here are the comments from the post:
Brian K. Schwartz Why was the brewery ultimately torn down ? Was it just in such poor shape. Too bad, really. Would’ve made a nice museum.
Fred Sharpsteen There was big open pits that someone could fall into where the Cooper beer vats were. The building was not that bad just not safe as it was open to get into and there were dangers in there. I am not sure if the village was involved with getting it tore down. The Kemp boys Paul built a house with some of the bricks as it was being taken down. It is out in Kempville. There was a brewing company in Sebewaing before the Sebewaing Brewery it was I think the Huron County Brewing Company. To bad knowing the popularity of Micro Brewing that it is not there it could have made a great stop for Thumb Travelers. Could have did the Friday Night Fish and Micro Brew Sebewaing Beer.
Lynn Rundell Thank you Fred for that info on the brewery. It’s funny how after a lapse of years some of the things that went by the wayside actually come back to be bomb. Who knew?
Brian K. Schwartz Thanks Fred, yeah as a micro brew that would’ve been awesome!!
Alice Pommerenke *Fred – Why do you know so much bout the brewery? You weren’t old enough to use ‘the tap’ were you?
Fred Sharpsteen No but as kids we played in there after it was shut down and Scott Thede grandfather Otto Thede was a manager and some of the detail about the labels and how they marked. There were boxes and boxes of labels in there after it had closed and bottle caps. We would take them out of there by the pockets full.
Fred Sharpsteen Alice no but my father was caught by Charley the local cop with some other boys drinking the shorts out back they would throw them in a pit. So they skip school one day and sat out there drinking them Kids will be kids.
Jacklyn Hughes Sometime in the 1970’s my ex and I went exploring in the brewery…he climbed down into a hole and came back up with an old dirty shirt that had a large embroidered applique of the pheasant labeled Sebewaing Brewery, and also a smaller one on the front of the shirt. I attached them to a jean jacket he still wears….and has had many many comments from people far and wide who recognize it.
Mark W Rummel I dated a girl from Birmingham, MI in college. About the third date, we went to meet her mother (getting serious??) The mom said, “Sebewaing?” and pointed at her daughter, telling me, “She’s the result of a six-pack of Sebewaing Beer we bought at the A & P.” I always thought that was funny…
Jo Ann Parsell Hahaha! That’s a good story, Mark!
Ruth M. Berry I graduated in 55. Remember the building looking like that.
Thank you to Mark W. Rummel for posting the photo and all of those who took the time to comment in Facebook.
Front of Sebewaing Brewery Mid 1950’s — No Comments
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