Early Sebewaing Beer Label on File With Liquor Control Commission
Mark W. Rummel posted this photo on June 26, 2014 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. He said:
“I found this pretty interesting (I knew it existed, but this is a good explanation:)
“Why is the Archives of Michigan displaying old beer labels? These labels can found within official state records. The Archives received them from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.
“Michigan Public Act 8 of 1933 established the Commission. National Prohibition had been repealed that year, and states debated about alcohol regulation. Two basic systems emerged: The control – or monopoly – system and the licensing – or open state – system. Michigan became one of seventeen states to adopt the former. Under the control system, the State holds a monopoly on liquor sales. In Michigan, the Liquor Control Commission acts as sole wholesaler for all distilled spirits (Beer and wine are exempted from this process and sold through the private sector.). For more information, click Michigan Liquor Control Commission to visit the Commission’s web site.
“The Michigan Liquor Control Commission also oversees licensing for alcohol sellers, manufacturers and distributors in Michigan. The labels on this page were submitted to the Commission as part of a licensing requirement. Today, they provide a unique look into the past of Michigan brewing.”
Here’s what they said about our town’s brewery:”
Here are the comments from the post:
Mark W Rummel That was a pretty classy label in the mid-1930s, I’d say…
Bob Fournier Interesting
Thank you to Mark W. Rummel for this post and all of those who took the time to comment in Facebook.
Early Sebewaing Beer Label on File With Liquor Control Commission — No Comments
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