Scott M. Thede posted these photos on December 17, 2013 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing
, MI when …”. He said “These are examples of pictures that I am looking for to help with the website. If you think your family may have photos of external or internal locations related to the building, I would like to include them on the website and if I get enough, we may be able to go a step further
(I am trying to manage expectations so I won’t spill the beans). Thank you to my brother, Terry Thede for getting me these photos. These are some of the best I have seen of the brewery areas. The first photo is likely by the railroad depot or close by since it has train cars.”
Here are the comments from the post:
Mark W Rummel Great shots. I don’t think the Blade took these, but I know o
ld issues do have some pictures of such upgrades over the years.
Thanks for sharing them, Scott!
Mark W Rummel I’d estimate these are 1955 era or so. Any other thoughts?
Scott M. Thede The tank pictures were from February 9, 1956. The last picture of the bottling machine was April 24, 1962.
Tim Smith Sometime in the early 1980’s Michigan Sugar Company acquired two of these tanks and they are still in service as process chemical storage tanks.
Robert Calkins I had no idea what was inside the building, but do remember the scent of the brewing process. It’s like remembering the same for the sugar factory!
Thanks to all of those who took the time to comment in Facebook.