Mark W. Rummel posted this photo on September 25, 2014 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. He said:
“For sale today on eBay is this bright red magazine issue. It’s the Sep/Oct 1984 edition of the Beer Can Collectors New Report. Our hometown Sebewaing Beer is featured, with a very well-done story inside.
What’s interesting to me is the three pictures, showing the evolution of Sebewaing Beer cans:
1. First is the “brown” can, circa 1955, on the left, which was the first time the Brewery went from just long-neck bottles to cans;
2. Middle can is the “blue” can, circa 1959, when it was basically blue and silver and pretty simple, and
3. Third can shown is the “shiny blue” can which has brighter silver colors, circa 1963. This one shown is a “Zip & Sip” can with the tab top, which was just gaining popularity then. I remember the Brewery had to invest in those much more-expensive cans just to compete with other bigger brewers.
Anyway, you can own this newsletter if you want to bid on it, on eBay.”
Thank you to Mark W. Rummel for this post.