Brewers’ Best Marketing Campaign Photo
Mark W. Rummel posted this photo on April 2, 2013 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. He said “Here’s a Sebewaing Brewing Company picture I’ve never seen before, for sale today on eBay. It’s a parade float with both Sebewaing (Pheasant) Beer and Brewer’s Best brands shown on the old horse-drawn cart. I believe this is from Sebewaing’s 1953 Centennial (I was there, but only 3.)
The eBay seller from Bay City knows his/her Sebewaing Beer history. It was bought at Otto Thede’s estate sale, the seller says (Otto was Brewmaster for many years and basically lived across the street.) When I wanted to write a history of the brewery while in college, he didn’t want to talk with me about it (I probably don’t blame him.) Now, I wish he would have!
Any other thoughts, folks??”
Here are the comments from the post:
Brian K. Schwartz Too bad that car isn’t around today! That would sure make a sweet piece to show around here!!
Mark W Rummel Yep, Brian, and I wish the Brewery was still there to park it in front of!!!
Doug Rook What, no Clydesdales?
Judy Bergman Weber I was there too.
Brian K. Schwartz I do too, Mark W Rummel. I think that it would do quite well today. My Grandfather, Frank used to haul beer for the brewery. I still remember walking past it on my to and from school.
Doug Rook Hey Brian, I graduated with your dad. Please give him my regards. Haven’t seen him since the 60’s
Brian K. Schwartz Doug: I’ll try to remember the next time I see him. He’s on here but I don’t know how often he checks it
Earl Mast I don’t believe Otto Thede was a brew master. Ringle and Lowery were two I remember.
Thank you to Mark W. Rummel for posting the photo and all of those who took the time to comment in Facebook.
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