Mark W. Rummel posted this photo on January 13, 2012 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. This picture is about 1950 and shortly after Old Style and Stock Ale were dropped from the product line and replaced with other labels such as Sebewaing, Sport, and so on. The chimney was extended higher in 1955 and since the pheasant promoted the new labels on the front of the building, the estimated date is from the late 1940’s to the early 1950’s.
The comments below are in response to the Facebook post:
Sharon J Giroux I have a couple of those bottles and because its part of my childhood growing up in Sebewaing I love having them
Philip C Bachman We used to fish behind the brewery in the River….warm water coming from the brewery would attach perch….also remember the piles of beer bottles behind the brewery……my grandfather worked there for several years.
Karen Joyce Hofmeister Prime When we got married we got our beer for our reception from there–common sense–no better place to get it!!
Betty Guenther Will be auctioning off an original bottle at the Valley Lutheran HS annual auction Feb. 25 in Saginaw
Betty Guenther and it’s full but maybe not safe to drink
Mark W Rummel John, I’ve seen those numbers for (honestly) 50 years and I never knew what they were for. Thanks for the info!
Brian K. Schwartz My Grandfather, Frank, used to haul it when he worked for Bergman Trucking. Dad has one of the back uniform emblems hanging up in his shop.
John Schneider all that work that went into that bottle back then….worth more than 2 cents to me!
Deborah Wissner My dad had a bowling shirt with a Sebewaing beer “pheasant” applique on it. Wonder if that’s still around at the home place??
Erma Rummel I got two bottle cozies with the top right label for Christmas.
Mark W Rummel There’s a door from a Sebewaing Beer truck hanging on the wall at Shaggy J’s restaurant in downtown Pigeon (coincidentally in our former newspaper office… GREAT restaurant!
Joanne Reinbold My Grandpa Muelrath from Bach worked at the Brewery for many years. There’s a picture somewhere in the family of him receiving a watch when he retired
Janet Fuerst Reithel John Schneider – Very interesting information on the labels having numbers on each side of the label. I have several Sebewaing Beer Bottles, 1 POM bottle, 2 Sport bottles, and 1 Golden Pheasant Bottles. The Sebewaing Beer and Sport bottles have the numbers 1-12 on the right side of the label and numbers 10-20-30 and 1-9 on the left side of the bottle, example one label is punched 2 on right side and 10 and 7 punched on left side, meaning it was bottled February 17. I did not find and indication to the year. The POM bottle and Golden Pheasant labels do not having markings on the labels. Again, very interesting!
Thank you to Mark W. Rummel for posting the photo and all of those who took the time to comment in Facebook.