Mark W. Rummel posted this photo on September 29, 2013 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. He said “John Tanton, Sr., made this cut-out from an old advertising poster for Sebewaing Brewing Company’s “Old Style Beer,” probably from about 1948. He mounted it on a piece of plywood and I pounded a hole through the middle of it about 1965 as a teenager and hung it on my wall. (You can see the hole in the “T” on the word “STOCK.”)
I’ve still got it, as one more reminder of the Beer that Made Sebewaing Famous…”
Here are the comments from the post:
Patricia Holland I have the clock that was raffled off when Scheurer Hospital was raising $$$ to build a new hospital. John Tanton Sr. Of course built it. It hangs on our wall tick to king every day! Hannah called me to tell me I had won it! I cleaned their house back then and she was thrilled for me…..many years ago.
Lori Fisher He made cutouts from photos for our family. Very smart and good man. I am still in touch with Liz Tanton Faupel, who taught me a lot growing up.
Mark W Rummel Hannah was one of the nurses on duty when I was born at Scheurer Hospital ‘way back in 49…
Patricia Holland I think she was still on duty in 1967?
Julianne Eisele Every Christmas I bake Hannah Tanton’s Fluffy Shortbread cookies – beyond delicious. She gave us the recipe when I was a little girl. I have many fond memories of being in their home.
William Harder You know this would look nice to the one I have,want to sell it lol
Mark W Rummel I agree, William, but I don’t think you can afford the $1.2 million I’m asking for it
Thera Heck Harder what a deal lol
Thank you to Mark W. Rummel for posting the photo and all of those who took the time to comment in Facebook.