Mark W. Rummel posted this photo on March 15, 2015 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. He said:
“You could buy Sebewaing Beer in 12″ long neck bottles for 10c or on draft (draught) for 5c at the Essexville Hotel, near Bay City, as this 1939 menu shows…”
Here are the comments from the post:
Brian K. Schwartz I’ll take it in a bottle, but it’s not noon yet.
Mark W Rummel Phoenix Beer was a Bay City brewery from 1898 until it closed in 1952. Kolb Brothers (1867-1939) was another Bay City brewery. I can’t find details about “Finest” Beer, but I expect it also was from Bay City or nearby.
Our Sebewaing Beer was almost a “hometown beer” for Bay City and Essexville and beyond…Doug Rook Wow, a limburger sandwich and a 15 cent PBR, apparently then a “premium” beer at 50% more than Sebewaing and the other beers. 5 cent tap beer, give me a dollars worth!
Brian K. Schwartz Gotta wonder how it would fare in today’s market, considering how global it now has become.
Brian K. Schwartz Ugh!! Limburger cheese!! My grandfather, Frank used to eat that all the time. Grandma wouldn’t let him keep it in the house fridge!! He had to store it in the garage.
Doug Rook When I got married, my “trusty” groomsmen smeared limburger all over my car’s engine block.
Doug Rook My dad, Art Rook, liked limburger as well. It has to be an acquired taste.
Scott M. Thede Nice find Mark, thanks for sharing.
Bob Fournier Let’s bring back those prices. Remember the 15 cent shells and electric bull at the Cornerstone Unionville. Also Bill Pudubly, the one man band next to it.
Thank you to Mark W. Rummel for this post and all of those who took the time to comment in Facebook.