A Delivery Truck Door Hanging Around
Scott M. Thede posted this photo on February 28, 2015 in the Facebook Group “You know you are from Sebewaing, MI when …”. He said:
“Fred Sharpsteen posted this on Facebook a few weeks ago, but not on the Sebewaing page. I thought I would transfer it over since I know people from Sebewaing would want to see it. I know someone awhile back mentioned this door being in a restaurant in Pigeon. Shooter’s Grill as I understand it.”
Here are the comments from the post:
Scott M. Thede This is my best guess as to the truck it went with, the one circled.
Jerry Deeg That is pretty freaking sweet
Elaine Glaza yep,it is in Shooter’s. I remember commenting to my husband about it.
Mary Beers Been there, I have seen it in person!
Elaine Glaza Good food too Mary Beers.
Terri Bell Eden Somebody needs to open a new Sebewaing Brewing! The legacy needs to live on…..
Scott M. Thede It would have been the passenger side.
Frank Rothfuss So who won the door prize?
Troy Fletcher I told the owner that I want that door if he ever gets rid of it
Donna Mikolon You build it Terri Bell Eden and they will come!!! lol Cheers!!
Terri Bell Eden You know it sister! Donna Mikolon If I had the money I most certainly would!
Butch Baker They have another door outside of El Rio restaurant in Pigeon as well.
Thank you to those who took the time to comment in Facebook.
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