Old Brewery Wood

Braendle Brewing Wood Structure Before Fire, circa 1893

Braendle Brewery Approximately 1893

Braendle Brewing Wood Structure Before Fire,
circa 1893


Braendle Brewing Rebuilt With Brick Shortly After Fire,
circa 1897


Sebewaing Brewing Company,
circa 1933 (see footnote 1)

Sebewaing Brewery 1940's

Sebewaing Brewing Company,
circa 1935 (see footnote 2)


Sebewaing Brewing Company, circa 1940 (see footnote 3)


Sebewaing Brewing Company,
circa 1951 (see footnote 4)
1950's Early

Sebewaing Brewing Company,
circa 1955 (see footnote 5)
Sebewaing Brewery 1

Sebewaing Brewing Company,
circa 1955

June 10, 1965

Sebewaing Brewing Company, June 10, 1965 (see footnote 6)

Sebewaing Brewing Company, August 7, 1968 (see footnote 7)

Sebewaing Brewing Company, mid 1970’s

Sebewaing Brewing Company, circa 1979 – Photo courtesy of Janet Fuerst-Reithel (see footnote 8)
1970's Late

Sebewaing Brewing Company, circa 1979 (see footnote 9)
Add demolition photos starting here

Old boiler, 1903

Herman Killinger adjusting gauges
Grain and Boiler

Millard Ringle and Jack Adams loading grain into the Mash Tub #1

Steve Papp, John Liken, and Tony Bohn in Bottling House
Beer Box Conveyors

Mike Thede and Frank Taschner in the Bottling Room

Otto Thede directs truck loading
Keg Room

John Buehler, Mike Buehler, and Gus Kausch in the Keg Wash and Racking Room

A. E. Mast and Francis Barnes in the Main Office
9-23-2013 6-56-17 PM

New glass lined vats for fermenting beer, tank installation between Storage Room & Fermenting Cellars A & B, circa 1960.  Back of Bottling House in background

New Boiler Tank Installation, circa 1954
newboilerinstalled1964 New Boiler Tank Installation, circa 1954
1 - Transfer From Railroad to trucks  New tanks arriving by railroad and moved to trucks, 1956
2 - Preparing the Space for the Tanks

Preparing for the lowering of the tanks into Storage Cellar F, 1956
3 - Preparing Cables for the Crane

Readying one of the tanks for lifting, 1956
4 - Hoisting the Tank Into the Cellar

Tank being moved into place

New tank installation outside of the Storage Room, 1956
5 - Finalizing the Tank Placement

New tank installation below Storage Room in Storage Cellar F, 1956
6 - Tank Moving Into Position

One of the tanks being secured in Storage Cellar F, 1956
7 - Bottling Machinary

Bottling Department Machinery

Lifting the roof of the Storage Room to remove tanks for bankruptcy sale, 1966

Preparing to remove the tanks, 1966

Removing a tank, 1966

The last tank removed, 1966
After Tanks Removed

Empty Storage Cellar F, 1966
Tank and Otto Thede

Otto Thede quite possibly taking the last draft from Tank #3 before all of the beer was drained into the Sebewaing River, 1966

1. Note the missing coal chute, missing electrical cage where the power lines enter from the street, the chimney has not been extended, the missing smaller building on the front of the Boiler Room, the center double doors are barely visible behind the stop sign, the flagpole is missing, and the very top center of the building has not been built up with brick yet.

2. Same as footnote 1 but in addition, the Main Office access is in the brick portion of the building towards the front of the automobile rather than the later added stairwell on the side.  Also, notice the structure nearby the Main Office that was torn down probably when they bricked up the Main Office door and nearby windows.

3. It looks like the Main Office door and nearby windows were recently bricked up and the main double doors that entered at the center of the building are missing and painted over suggesting that had been done before.  Also, this is the first appearance of the brick addition on the top center of the building.

4. Notice the coal chute, the old Main Office entrance and nearby windows have had a red paint job and that there is no pheasant in the empty space.  Also, the company name painted on the front of the building has “…” after the word “Company…”. This is a good shot of the added stairwell on the side of the building for the Main Office.

5. The flag pole is now present along with some wooden posts along the top of the small hill on either side of the flag pole.  The pheasant has been painted on the front of the building and it has a white cloud like background.  At this point in the building’s timeline, there are four changes yet to come. A small building will be added to the front corner of the Boiler Room that would be on the right end of the building.  An electrical cage will be added where the power lines enter from the street.  The pheasant will be repainted without the white cloudy background.  Finally, the chimney will be extended in 1955.  Notice in the company name on the front of the building, “…” after “Company” has been removed.

6. Note the electrical cage top right  side.

7. Note the pheasant no longer has the white cloudy background.

8. Some of the windows and doors are boarded up making this photo from about 1979.  This would be about the time the Village of Sebewaing obtained the deed for the property and secured the building for eventual demolition.

9. This shows the chimney extension from 1955.  Also, though hard to see, the electrical cage is here along with the smaller building off of the corner of the Boiler Room.  The pheasant no longer has the white cloud background.  Notice the large hole in the side of the Boiler Room where the boiler tank was removed for liquidation.  The website administrator is looking for a high quality photo to replace this hard to view newspaper photo.  It is just a matter of time!